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Thailand’s ‘most beautiful fruit juice lady’ gets flak for bad attitude, rejecting photo requests from non-customers after going viral

Frequent visitors to Bangkok would most probably have heard of one popular Thai fruit juice and smoothie seller, whose stall is located in the city’s Jodd Fairs Night Market.
Dubbed the “most beautiful fruit juice lady”, the stall owner went viral in 2022, drawing the attention of not only locals, but also tourists who would make the trip down to Jodd Fairs just to see her in the flesh. 
Thanks to her appearance in multiple vlogs and travel guides, the fruit juice lady, also known by the nickname “Watermelon Lady”, has seen her fame skyrocket, becoming somewhat of a social media icon herself. 
According to reports, she had to hire bodyguards who are sometimes stationed at the stall to protect her from fervent fans due to her overwhelming popularity.
However, the fruit juice lady has recently come under fire for her “poor attitude” and “being unfriendly” to night market goers. 
According to some angry netizens, the fruit juice lady no longer allows non-paying customers to snap pics of her. Those who wish to do so are required to fork out a minimum 150 baht (S$5.60) for a cup of juice before asking for a photo.
It is said that she would turn her back towards those who aren’t customers if she spots them attempting to sneak a photo of her. In some cases, they would also be chased away by her bodyguard. 
Many have added that the stall’s business is no longer as bustling as it used to be, with only a short line of customers. 
This writer chanced upon her stall last year, and can confirm that it was nowhere near as crowded as we thought it would be, with only a handful of customers waiting for their juice. 
Maybe we visited at an off-peak hour, but we also noticed that during the 10 minutes we were there, we did not see the fruit juice lady smile once. 
Maybe she’s tired of all the attention she’s received?
Netizens have commented that the price of her drinks, though expected for an internet-famous stall, is “too expensive” compared to other similar, less popular stalls.
They also condemned her attitude and ‘photo taking policy’, with many saying “she’s not welcoming and friendly like she was before” and that it was because “the fame has gotten to her head”.
